5 tips to get the most out of Claude

Maximize value within your usage limits


Whether you’re using the free claude.ai open beta or the paid Pro model, did you know that usage limits apply? This affects both the number of messages you can send and the maximum length of prompt that Claude can handle - known as its context window. 

It’s not as simple as a cap of ‘X’ conversations in a given time period though. The actual limits will vary from one day to the next depending on current demand and they also factor in message length, overall conversation length and size of files attached.

For users of the free model your daily message limit resets each morning. The paid model resets more frequently - every 5 hours - and allows higher usage. Again this depends on capacity but should be at least 5x more usage compared with the free version. 

Either way, it pays to be savvy with how you use Claude to make sure you’re maximizing the value of each interaction. Here are 5 handy tips to get the most out of your time with Claude. 

1. Avoid long chats where possible

If you’re introducing a new topic or have an unrelated query then it’s worth starting a new conversation rather than continuing in the same thread.

Every time you send a message in a conversation, Claude needs to re-read the entire thread to maintain context - more work for Claude means you’ll hit your usage limits quicker. 

Longer conversations will also mean slower response times so unless the full conversation is relevant to your latest query then you’re likely better off starting a new chat. 

2. Prioritize your top questions

Rather than jumping straight in, take a bit of time to think about where Claude’s assistance would be most useful to you and prioritize those tasks first. 

If you still haven’t exceeded your usage limits once the more important work has been ticked off then you can still make use of Claude for the remaining queries. 

If you reach your limits sooner, then at least your initial planning will have ensured you used Claude where it really counted.

3. Consider strengths and weaknesses - yours and Claude’s!

If you have tasks that require processing or analyzing large amounts of data then chances are it makes sense to leverage Claude’s skills here. Claude is able to summarize complex concepts and analyze data trends quickly.

Using Claude for this targeted research or analysis should save you valuable time and energy, freeing you up for tasks that play to your strengths.

It's also worth considering what other AI tools are at your disposal for specific needs. Most AI services have some form of usage limits but there’s nothing to stop you from combining resources.

Supplement your use of Claude with other AI tools taking into consideration the specific strong points of each. For example, fact-checking might be carried out with Perplexity.ai or you might use Gemini to generate ideas or content.

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4. Make full use of each message or request 

If you’re clear, concise and specific in your prompts - both in how you phrase your request and what you require from the response - you’re more likely to get relevant and accurate responses. This negates the need for additional messages to clarify or redirect the conversation.

Using each message efficiently means you’re maximizing the number of interactions you can have within the given limits. 

If you have multiple questions to ask on a single topic or in relation to a specific document then including them in a single message will eat into your usage limits less than asking each question in a separate message.

Claude will notify you if your prompt exceeds the available context window so until you get this notification, pack the info into each message! 

5. Save key information and outputs

Claude isn’t able to retain information from one conversation to the next. Each time you interact with Claude, it’s like a clean slate so don’t expect Claude to recall previous discussions in new conversations.

If you have a complex task that requires multiple sessions with Claude then you might consider saving the key information so that you can reference it in a future conversation without needing to start from scratch each time. It’s a bit like using a shortcut so you can pick up where you left off.

So there you go! Follow the above tips and you can be sure you’re getting the most out of Claude each time. 

OK, speak soon!

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